What Does July Hold?

Welcome to July, Fellow Travelers! We’ve come through the longest day and shortest night of the Summer Solstice, and are fast moving towards the Dark Half of the year (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere). It seems like 2017 has flown by, and yet at the same time so many of us have been encountering obstacles and delays that seem to cause our dreams and progress to grind to a screeching halt. I know that I’ve been doing a lot of heavy heart healing — it certainly didn’t end when Venus went direct! — and moving lots of old patterns, old stories, and old wounds out of my energetic body, all to make room for the new and unexpected.

One of the gifts June brought me is the beautiful Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, which I found in a lovely and enchanting shop during a Priestess Road Trip to Austin with the lovely Rose of The Bliss Institute. I’ve been working with this gentle, compassionate, yet honest deck of cards daily for the last few weeks. I’ll post a full review soon, but for now I want to share it with you as the voice of our July oracle reading.

What Will July Bring?

Our first card is Amethyst: Transformation, Certainty, and Confidence. This card promises that a profound transformation is taking place, and that all the soul-searching we’ve been doing will soon bear beautiful fruit. Amethyst assures you that the hard work is done, and that you have acquitted yourself beautifully. If you are experiencing any uncertainty or lack of confidence about the transformations taking place in your life, you are soon to emerge into a strong, powerful, confident New You. All is now possible — what you want is yours for the taking!  Listen to your heart and your intuition, and don’t settle for less than everything you deserve! The Affirmation for this card is:

I give thanks for the transformation

and healing that has taken place

I move through life with gratitude

I move through life with certainty

I move through life with confidence

I achieve my goals — what I focus on, I create


Our second card is the Tree of Life: Fertility, Creativity, Destiny, Magickal Blessings. The Tree of Life comes into our readings to reinforce Amethyst’s message that we are moving into a fertile, creative, energetic period that will be filled with blessings and beauty. Like the tree that grows stronger with each passing season, pulling what it needs through its mighty roots, you have matured into your power. You are ready to fulfill your destiny, and the whole world is conspiring to help you! This new cycle of your life will be filled with love, with abundance, with joy, with prosperity. Our struggles are over — as Amethyst tells us, the hard work is done and we are now ready to enjoy the fruits of our labors. The Tree of Life calls us to step into our personal power and take the reins of our destiny, to go for all that we want on the highest, deepest level. The Affirmation for this card is:

I am the Master of my own Destiny

All  I truly desire, I create

All I create, I create through love

All I create is for the higher good of all

I am truly blessed and grateful

for all the abundance in my life


Our final card for July is Liberation: Breaking free from a negative attachment. This card reminds us that we don’t have to look to the past anymore — we are not going that way. We have been doing hard work breaking old patterns and attachments, and Liberation promises us that we can do the final (and often most difficult) letting go — of the relationship that no longer serves us, of the old stories that are no longer (or never were) true, of the patterns which don’t help us live our most authentic life. This card invites us to examine our attachments, especially those that are holding us back from the empowerment and abundance indicated by Amethyst and the Tree of Life. As you step into your power and most authentic life, it may become apparent that something that at one time served you well is holding you back. Do not be afraid to let go — you cannot receive with a clenched fist. This card promises that letting go and liberating ourselves from these old attachments can only serve our highest good. The Affirmation for this card is:

I release myself from all negative attachment

I trust that this is for my highest good

I trust that this is for the highest good of all

I help others most

by not allowing myself or them to be co-dependent

I look at every situation in a balanced way


July looks to be an amazing, empowering month for us, my Warriors. May these reading help keep you on the path!

About dreamingpriestess

Susan Harper, Ph.D., aka The Dreaming Priestess, is an educator, activist, advocate, and ritual specialist living and working in the Dallas, Texas area.
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