What Will June Bring?

It’s been a long, wet, and trying Spring for the Priestess, and for many of us! With the hard emotional work of Venus Retrograde calling us to revisit our deepest heart wounds when it comes to love, the challenges of communicating during Mercury Retrograde, and the navigating of the stormy karmic waters of Saturn Retrograde, we’ve all been doing a lot of emotional and spiritual heavy lifting! Even without all the social and political turmoil going on for many of us, from the US to the UK and beyond, it’s been a challenging few months. Now that the planets are slowly returning to their regular patterns (emphasis on the slowly), however, it’s time to get back to what grounds us and look ahead. What will June have in store for us, after such an eventful Winter and Spring?

I’ve drawn three cards for us from Kris Walherr’s lovely Goddess Tarot to give us some guidance through the first two weeks of June.

In the first position, we have the King of Swords. There is debate in Tarot circles about whether Swords should be read as Air or Fire. I have always read them as Fire, and associated with Fire-y things: passion, creativity, transformation, and catalysts. The King is a person (sometimes male or masculine of center, but not always) who is master of their passions.  This King reminds us to move forward with our goals and find those things that truly inspire and drive us. June will give us an opportunity to get very clear about what our truest, deepest calling is. We may meet a mentor or other person who helps us find our path, or we may find ourselves in the position to mentor others. As you evaluate the many options the season brings you, channel the King of Swords to help you make wise, heart-and-gut-based decisions.


June 2017. Cards are from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

In the next position, we have the Four of Cups. Cups are, unsurprisingly, associated with Water and Water-y things: sensuality, sexuality, healing, intuition, relationships, and spirituality. The Four of Cups invites us to go within and focus on what nourishes our hearts, what we feel at the deepest level. In many ways, this echoes the message of the King of Swords. It is time to get very real with ourselves about what we want, and to do so we may need to retreat into our inner world, pay attention to messages in dreams or divination, and otherwise tune out the “noise” of the outside world.

And finally we have the Nine of Pentacles. Pentacles are associated with Earth and  Earth-y matters: the body, money, stability. The Nine of Pentacles represents a coming harvest born of hard work. June promises to be a time when things that you have been working for begin to show fruit or come into reality. Especially if you follow the messages given by the King of Swords and the Four of Cups, you can expect to see a bountiful harvest. This card also reminds us that we have to back up all the inner work we do with outer effort — we have to balance reflection and meditation with the chop wood, carry water type work that takes us towards our goals.

Overall, this spread tells me that June will be a time for us to take a break from all the emotional healing work we have done this spring and instead focus on manifesting the lives we want. If, like me, you have spent a great deal of the past few months revisiting your past and living in the what-ifs and what-could-have-beens, you will welcome June’s invitation to consider your future and set in motion the things that will make it happen.

This post is mirrored at my PaganSquare blog, Third Wave Witch


About dreamingpriestess

Susan Harper, Ph.D., aka The Dreaming Priestess, is an educator, activist, advocate, and ritual specialist living and working in the Dallas, Texas area.
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